They say there are other fish in the sea. Irina Dunn said "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". I am not a fish. What is with all the fish talk people?? Do you know what happens to fish when they get caught? THEY DIE! They are gutted, thrown on a bed of crushed ice, and displayed until some one decides to eat them, digest them, and ultimately all fish get flushed! Why? Why? WHY?? Does everyone think it best to compare single women to fish?
Aside from the obvious issue of fish dying, ending up either someone's pet or someone's dinner, they're not the best looking creature in the world. True some of them are beautiful. But it is my experience that fish are not overly attractive. They're scaly, bug-eyed, and COLD. Do people really think it wise to compare a woman who, at least in my case, has fairly low self-esteem when it comes to men anyway, to these?:
Sunday night a friend of my parents came to our house. He's my friend too. In fact he's in my cell phone as an emergency contact. He has always been one of my very favorite people. However he apparently lost the ability to shut up. For some reason it's important to him that I find myself a husband. As it's important for most older people in my church for the young people to get hitched. Never mind that I'm 23, just back to college, and can barely handle myself, I should pull some poor man into the mess with me. It's purely societal I know. Some places tell girls to wait, some places marry them off young. My place happens to be the latter. I have comes to terms with that fact mostly. I realize that I always have to face the majority of people in my life and tell them why I'm 23 and unwed. They don't understand that it's a choice. I get the feeling that they think there is something wrong with me. I work hard to convince myself that there's nothing wrong with me. When I'm ready, when I'm healed, when I'm stable again, I will find someone wonderful. Until then, focus on getting ready, getting healed, and finding stability.
Then all the fish talk happens. It's not enough that I had my heart fairly broken. There are other FISH in the sea after all. So am I the fish? Or the fisherman? Are we all fish? What the hell are you talking about? Somehow Sunday's analogy wound around to me being the fish, and the poor boys out there being the fisherman. If the fisherman walks by a pond and there doesn't appear to be any fish he's not going to cast the line. Ah HAH! So there is something wrong with me, I'm not putting myself out there enough! Because I don't find it necessary to go to the extracurricular church activities. They do nothing for my spirituality and if I go for the soul fact of getting myself in the pond and being social I end up belly up in the background. Pleasant.
So by the time "Mr. I dont know when enough is enough" was finished I was crying and lucky him, he could just get in the car and leave.
So let's see here, we've been compared to cows and fish, what other unflattering animals can we think of to boost women's egos? Spiders? Hairless cats? Hyenas?