So we got all pretty and piratey for the party that uhm wasn't so much a party as about seven people in pirate costumes drinking cream soda. But check out all the Katy hotness (I'm not posting the picture that makes me look like I'm about 8 months pregnant). And the Angee hotness. Like the little ghost orb peaking up Angee's skirt? Pervy ghost. It took me two and a half hours to curl my hair. Then we went to the "party" but didn't stay, and decided to go to Dairy Queen in all our yoho hotness. We're going to revisit the pirate look for Halloween though, so all is not lost.
Also, here's the latest cake. In case you're interested.
And you girls look pretty good, too.
All aside...deeee-yaaaamn! I'd plunder.
Great job Matties! Thanks for the new picture of a cake!
Ghost Orbs can be so sneaky :)
You sexy pirate things you! But did you SMELL like pirates?
You make a very pretty pirate. Pirate-ess? Pirate-ette?
Still planning to do the pirate thing for Halloween?
I don't have any Halloween plans yet - probably hand out candy to kids and be lazy at home, but there are lots of costume shops in South Bay.
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