I really, really REALLY hope that next week CALMS DOWN!! Last week was the freaking speech (I know I haven't posted it or e-mailed it yet but I will...someday....maybe...) This week I played Rachel Ray for my mom's relief society (old lady mormons). About a month ago she said that she was going to teach a mini class on what you can do with frozen dough, for Enrichment (old lady mormons hanging out), and would I help her? Sure I said, I'll help. Then last week she comes home from church and says, "well I guess you're doing it and I'm helping you." Ok.... So on top of the homework and other insanity that is my life right now she wants me to prepare a 45 minute mini cooking class? And I'm going to make 6 different things (really an entire meal and then some Rachel Ray eat your heart out!) in 45 miutes?? Ok.... I can do that. I am SuperKaty! So I made little handouts with the six recipes that I wanted to do, packed up a bunch of my kitchen stuff that I have for my house, (I have a spoonula!! Who knew?) and moved everything over to the churches kitchen for la classe. Got everything set up and looking pretty and went home to try and sleep off the big bad headache that had just started rearing its ugly head. Did I mention spending 3 hours the night before doing prep work? Did I set out the rolls to thaw before heading home? Nope, because I only wanted 6 of them to rise and I already had those out. I didn't want them to get too big and unmanageable and I figured giving them in an hour and a half in a warm kitchen would be sufficient. It worked at home...
So at about 6:15 I'm ready to head back to the church and finish getting things set up. We didn't actually make it out the door til closer to 6:30, I ran to the kitchen and started laying rolls and checked the 6 that were supposed to be thawed and rising. SUPPOSED TO BE THAWED AND RISING!!! They weren't even completely thawed yet and the kitchen was FREEZING. So I turned on the ovens and opened the doors and closed up the kitchen to get the heat circulating. Short story long, I ended up just popping 70 rolls in the microwave for 25 seconds and working with what I had. Despite everything (the kitchen never really warmed up and the rolls still weren't really thawed) I think everything was a success. I ended up having to make more handouts because I had a lot more people come to my class than I thought would and pretty much all the food was gone. I was evenly mildly entertaining. I told the story about the mother suit (the towel that my mom always had over her shoulder when I was growing up and that I have at my waist through a loop in my apron) we talked about me and Becky hanging out at her house watching two fat ladies and our dreams of roaming the English countryside in out motorcycle and side car adding another stick of butter to everything. And I tried desperately not to tell my mom to get the HELL out of my kitchen. She was really very helpful but I need space when I cook and I have an order of doing things. I guess that's where the saying too many cooks in the kitchen comes from. Anyway, I really hope life mellows out a bit and I can get back into my routine. I can't think of anything too huge coming up next week, but I do have another speech due the 28th. Thanksgiving break is soon right?
Todays thing I learned: I am soooo not going to have enough cashola to do school next semester. Calling all credit cards....
I wish I could have seen you do your thing. You are such a sweetheart for helping mom out. Which recipes did you do?
holy crap!!!!! I can't even imagine! you totally are superkaty.
Wow, sounds like you really have some skills in the kitchen. Wish I had been there for your class! It's really nice of you make time to do that for your mom when you're so busy!
Do you think you and I would mesh in the kitchen? Cause I've been thinking lately that would be really fun. Good on ya for being willing to help out the mom, and damn that cold kitchen for thwarting your obviously well laid out plans.
I made yummy orange rolls, a cream cheese and apple torte, calzones, a butterscotch bundt, bacon cheddar bites, and uhm...breadsticks! I guess mom had all kinds of people call her and say how cute and I was and that I did such a good a job. My head is THIS BIG!!!
Mandy, I think you and I would totally mesh in the kitchen. I really can cook with other people it's just when they try and horn in on my business, which let's face it, mom's a business horner.
Oh my god, how many things do you have to do?? Poor Katy ~
I don't have a lot of homework for university right now but one which is SO boring...
Greetz from Germany ~~
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