Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Not quite so boring
This weekend was a little more exciting than last weekend. Summers in Southern Utah are just destined to be dull I guess. Since the WHOLE FAMILY was out of town this weekend, it was pretty much up to me and my dad to entertain ourselves. Friday we went to Superman which was LOTS better than I thought it would be. In fact I could more than likely be convinced to go to it again. In fact, I would probably go again with no convincing whatsoever. Especially since the first time was free. Yeah, it pays to know people. I used to work at the local movie theatres and I trained a lot of the kids that are managers now, so if I can catch a nice one they let me in for free. By the end of the movie, however, I was feeling less than fantastic so I pretty much went home and went to bed where I read into the early hours of the morning.

At about 5 am Saturday morning I woke up to feeling of not goodness. By 6, I was downstairs in bad shape, so I ran myself a bath to try to relax. 6:30 I was laying on the bathroom floor between bouts of nausea and vomitting praying I wouldn't die. By 7 I was praying I would die. I actually couldn't get myself off the floor, the best I could do was crawl. When I did try to stand up I got so dizzy I fell and smacked my head on the ground. At one point in my delerium I must have started clawing at my belly to get whatever was so bad in it, out of it because I had some gnarly red scratch marks covering my lower torso. Aren't you so glad you read today? I did start feeling better around 8, not good, but good enough that I could drag my butt upstairs and go back to sleep for a couple hours. My poor dad. This is the second time it's been just me and him that I've gotten really sick. Doesn't help any when he asks what's wrong and all you can say is "Girl trouble". Those poor men must just be horrified by us sometimes. So I spent Saturday on the couch with my brothers dogs.

Sunday, pretty much the same, without the feeling like death on legs. I just took it really easy.

Monday came and I finally got off my butt. The 24th of July is when Utahn's celebrate Pioneer Day. It's basically comemorating the settling of Utah by the Momon's which means we get a day off, and there's fireworks (though there weren't last night, thunder storm). So Dad and I travelled down to St. George to try the new Thai restaurant. He wasn't impressed, but I thought it was pretty good. Of course I had never had Thai food so I had nothing to compare to. The soup was really good, I could have eaten that all day. Then we both had Pad Thai. Which was good. It wasn't what I expected, I thought there would be more flavor. It was good though, it makes me want to try really good Thai food somewhere else. Then I cleaned and did laundry and went to the store and all that stuff you're supposed to do on weekends.

OOH I also finally signed up for Netflix. Hooray! I should be getting my first movies today sometime.


Blogger lonna said...

Boy, dull sure beats vomiting, huh? I'm sorry that you were so sick this weekend.

Pad Thai is really meant just to be a basic noodle dish. It's also really hard to make really good, in my opinion. I usually won't eat it out because I only know of one place where it's just perfect. It's hard to get it sour enough (tamarind) without being too sour or lacking in flavor. If you want spicy try a curry. I don't usually eat them because of fish sauce, but I used to always get the masaman curry because it's just a little spicy (although you could probably ask them to spice it up) but it's also sweet. At my parents' house I get cashew nut which is basically tofu (or any protein), veggies, pineapples, and cashews. It's one of my favorite dishes in the whole wide world. MMM. now I'm craving Thai food.

Blogger NME said...

Good grief. You poor girl. All that for girl troubles? My GOD, I feel for you.

Did you have the Thai iced coffee? SO DREAMY. Get yourself to a decent Thai place immediately. It's super good and not bland at all. I favor the curries too. I love the spiciness balanced with the sweetness of the coconut milk. Dreamy.

Hooray for Netflix. We loved it when we actually had time to watch movies.

Blogger Missuz J said...

Mmm. Pad Thai.

We missed you on our trip. Zacky in particular kept asking where you were.

Love you, and hope you feel better.

Blogger Diane Lowe said...

I'm a fan of Thai peanut sauce. Soy sauce, peanut butter, garlic, cilantro and a little something to spice it up. That's the easy way. I'm sure there are lots of other recipes out there.

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