Thursday, October 06, 2005
I want to be alone...
And that's ok.

I'm in a bit of a creative rut I think. I can't even think of good things to comment about on other peoples blogs. I read, I laugh, I agree with what they're saying, but I get to that little comment window and the walls go up. I can't blog, I can't work on my book. It seems all I can do is scribble bitter musings in the margins of my notebook. I've been feeling the urge to escape lately. I want to get out of Utah and go live somewhere that doesn't put so much social emphasis on your marital status. I want to go somewhere where I'm not Ray and Diane's daughter, or Becky and Mandy and Jon's sister. I want to go somewhere where I can simply be. I feel the need to be unchecked on. Unwatched over. Undone. I want to go sit on a beach with the waves kissing my toes, an iced tea at my side, and an insanely large straw hat on my head. I don't want to be watched over, I don't want to be responsible for anyone, I just want to be Katy on the beach. Then maybe if I feel so inspired I'll draw, or write, do something that's not for anyone else. I want the oppurtunity to flirt with a man and the independance to not wonder where it might lead. I want the chance to go to a movie alone without sensing, or caring about the looks of pity in people's eyes. I want to close the door on social norms and revel in my singleness, my independance, my aloneness. I should move back to California, or build a cabin in the woods.


Blogger Diane Lowe said...

Come up and visit me. The men still suck, but at least people don't care if you're married or not.

Blogger Kathryn said...

I've SO been there. I hope you find some of your own space soon. You can come down here too!!

Blogger Missuz J said...

My advice is GO! There may be a time in your life when you don't have the freedom to--but you do now.

Blogger M'gann said...

Why do you think I left?

I say do it! It's your right and your freedom as a person to get out there and see what's in the world! Some things may not be for you, but other things will feel like they're made just for you! I left to see a world of mine own, and you know what? I had a blast!

Just make sure you always have enough to visit home when you find you really need to.

Blogger M'gann said...

"Mine own"? Scratch that hahaha! >.< You know what I meant...

Blogger Min Min said...

I haven't been on your blog for a while...
I know what you mean, sometimes you just need to be alone without anyone annoying you.
Sometimes it helps to just lock yourself in a room, put your favourite music on, drink a hot chocolate and look out of the window for hours. Or take a walk in a lonely forest or park. That'll make you feel a little better maybe. Or if you can afford a trip to the beach, why don't you just go?!
Another advice you haven't asked for from Jazz aka Yasmine^^ ~~~
Greetz from Germany!!

ps.: If you are annoyed by my advices, just let me know...

Blogger NME said...

You need some time away - even a short respite. Do you have a break from school coming up? Maybe go on a trip.

Blogger hazel said...

katy, there are places where it's actually FROWNED UPON to be married any younger than 25. it's called the entire east coast.

I know you're having a tough time - I hope that knowing that the pressure you feel is not going on everywhere makes you feel more sane in not caring about marriage so much. you're not crazy, they are!!

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